A free public service for your consciousness development

to help you prepare for first contact and get ready to join

our galactic families throughout the milky way

the reference for intergalactic media – the RIM

Welcome to The RIM, an internet radio station hosted by Erra Stream LLC. the station is free to download with no monthly fees, thanks to our sponsors and your donations, and it’s free to enjoy in america, canada and the united kingdom via LIVE365. We play a galaxy of earth’s greatest hits from yesterday and today, and talk about UFOs, ETs, Ascension, Disclosure and healthy lifestyles to help raise your consciousness level preparing you for first contact.


sponsorship opportunity

Airs hourly

This Moment in UFO History

:15 second vO/call to action

Sponsorship opportunity

airs Hourly

ascension / disclosure ET technology

:15 second VO / call to action


contact: brian kirkland

the rIM manager


(407) 517-8816

download The RIM and Explore a Galaxy of Great Music and disclosure