A free public service for your consciousness development

to help you prepare for first contact and get ready to join

our galactic families throughout the milky way

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Why the RIM, why now?

People have been distracted by the main stream media for too long and want a place that can help answer questions and find more information about everything esoteric and about things they can’t see but know is there. This website and radio station are free to listeners in order to educate, entertain and enlighten more people in a fun upbeat way

Where does information for the RIM come from?

after decades of interest in these subjects, the list of sources includes groups, networks, movies, multimedia and more like; GaiaTV, Cosmic Agency, Swaruu.org, multiple groups on facebook and Twitter/X, the Disclosure Project Intelligence Archive with Dr. Steven Greer, New Paradigm Institute with Danny Sheehan, and a large library of books. links to many sources will be posted here for you to discover.

What topics are covered on the RIM?

consciousness raising research, studies and techniques, the latest news about UFO disclosure, eT technology and where on the web to get more info, UFO history to remind listeners about past events that have been hidden or obscured by the controlling media, CIA, DOD, NSA, NASA, etc., the military industrial complex and their secret corporate affiliations, and all that helps support the expanding awareness of listeners.

How and where can i hear the RIM?

the RIM exists in the cloud 24/7 and is available through the Live365 radio app. Ask Alexa to “Enable the LIVE365 Skill,” Then ask to “play The RIM.” This music is licensed for broadcast in the United states, canada and the United kingdom and available for free download in the app stores for apple and google play.

how can i support the RIM?

by downloading the app and sharing it with friends. sponsorships are available for topics such as ascension, eT technology disclosure, health and uFO history. donations are welcome to help pay for the costs of streaming. we expect interest in these subjects to be strong so please reach out to us soon on the contact page or at Contact@ErraStream.com to ensure your spot on the RIM.

what is an easy way to start raising my consciousness level right now?

An easy way to help raise your frequency and vibration comes from Doctor David R. Hawkins, whose exhaustive research calibrated the levels of consciousness of humanity and created the map of consciousness. His simple suggestion asks you to “Be Kind To Everything and Everyone, Including Yourself, Always and With No Exceptions.” Try it for a day or more and notice how your life begins to change.

Antarctica – the main control center and the real power center of Earth from which all governments and secret societies take their orders.