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Disclosure Blog

Our Milky Way galaxy has around 100 billion stars with many more planets and moons. And allegedly, a lot of those have space faring civilizations. Are you ready to meet your galactic relatives, yet? They are waiting for your invitation from your friends all the way out here on The RIM.

About 300 million planets in the Milky Way galaxy may have the right ingredients for life as we know it. And allegedly, about 300 thousand of those civilizations have been evolving a lot longer than Earthlings and could already have advanced space faring technology. Buckle Up, It’s about to get very interesting out here on The RIM

In July 2023, David Grusch, a United States Air Force officer and former intelligence official, was interviewed by journalists and testified in a U.S. House of Representatives hearing. Grusch claimed that the U.S. federal government, in collaboration with private aerospace companies, has highly secretive special access programs involved in the recovery and reverse engineering of “non-human spacecraft” and their dead pilots. In a testimony given to the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, Grusch repeated several of his claims under oath. Testimonies were also delivered by Ryan Graves, a former U.S. Navy fighter pilot, and David Fravor, a US Naval commander, on their experiences with unidentified flying objects. Grusch claims that the U.S. government maintains a highly secretive UFO retrieval program and possesses multiple spacecraft of non-human origin as well as corpses of deceased pilots. He also claims there is “substantive evidence that white-collar crime” took place to conceal UFO programs and that he had interviewed officials who said that people had been killed to conceal the programs.

Click here for a link to the story from wUSA TV

According to alleged communications with Extraterrestrials, gravity can be explained as electromagnetism in very high frequency ranges, way above what most humans can comprehend. An example of this is a Muon, a frequency of gravity that travels at immediate speed, outside time and space. Muons are used by ETs to communicate with each other, instantly across the galaxy. A Gravity Phone that makes a Satellite Phone obsolete. Remember, A Muon is to gravity as a photon is to light, a particle or wave depending on who is looking at it.

Click here to Learn more about it at Swaruu.org and Cosmic agency

Dolores Cannon, is a world renowned author of books on subjects about alien contact, Atlantis, alternative realities, reincarnation, and the concept of starseeds or individuals from other star systems who occupy human bodies on Earth. Dolores Cannon also created QHHT, a method of hypnosis called Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique which involves inducing an individual into the Somnambulistic state of trance through visualization. A state which under ordinary circumstances is experienced only twice daily: just before you wake up and just before you fall asleep. Historically, hypnotists have avoided conducting research with subjects in this state because of the often strange and inexplicable results that are recorded, like past life regressions, off-world experiences and contact with other entities.

click here to Find out more about QHHT and a link to Dolores cannon’s website as we expand disclosure around the world.

According to alleged communications with Extraterrestrials, SIT Time, or Ship Internal Time is the amount of time it takes for a large ship to do multiple jumps in frequency, called Skipping, to arrive at the destination. Large ships must gradually modify the vehicles frequency in steps until it matches the precise location of where it’s going, due to the limitations of the engines in relation to the enormous mass of the vehicle. It allegedly takes a large ship 7 hours of SIT Time to skip From Earth to the Taygeta star system, 440-light years away in the Pleiades constellation. Smaller ships can do it in 30 minutes and the smallest, sportiest UFOs can jump there instantaneously. 

Click here to Learn more about it at Swaruu.org or Cosmic Agency as we expand disclosure around the world.

The Force

Ascension blog

Dr. David R Hawkins

The infinite Field of Consciousness, also known as The Force, Holy Spirit, Source and Akashic Record, permanently records everything that was ever thought, spoken or created, anytime and anywhere in the universe. that information can be accessed with the right training like muscle testing from Dr. David R. Hawkins who was a renowned psychiatrist, spiritual teacher, and author, best known for his pioneering work in muscle testing as a tool for assessing truth and consciousness. He developed the Map of Consciousness, a logarithmic scale that ranks human emotions and states of awareness from the lowest levels of shame and guilt to the highest states of enlightenment. Central to his research was the concept that the body has access to the Field of Consciousness where everything that was ever thought, said or created, anywhere and anytime in the Universe can be discovered through muscle testing and it can respond to statements or stimuli with a measurable strength or weakness, revealing whether something resonates with truth. This technique, known as Applied Kinesiology, became a cornerstone of his teachings, which combined spirituality, psychology and quantum science. Through his work, Dr. Hawkins emphasized the importance of elevating one’s consciousness as a means of personal and collective transformation, inspiring countless individuals on their spiritual journeys.

Click here for a link to Dr. Hawkins website for more information about The map of consciousness.

Bashar is an extraterrestrial being from the Essassani civilization, channeled by Darryl Anka since the 1980s. He is known for his dynamic, fast-paced communication style and profound insights into topics like consciousness, spirituality, extraterrestrial life, and human potential. Bashar’s teachings emphasize the importance of following one’s excitement as a guiding principle for aligning with one’s true purpose and higher vibrational state. His messages, delivered in a relatable and often humorous way, aim to inspire individuals to embrace self-empowerment, explore multidimensionality, and foster greater harmony on Earth.

Click here to link to Bashar.org for more information.

Dr. Brian Weiss is a renowned psychiatrist, hypnotherapist, and author, best known for his groundbreaking work in past-life regression therapy as introduced in his influential book, Many Lives, Many Masters. The book chronicles his journey of discovery while treating a patient named Catherine, whose hypnotic regression unexpectedly revealed vivid details of past lives and profound spiritual wisdom communicated by her “master spirit guides.” These experiences transformed Dr. Weiss’s understanding of therapy and healing, leading him to explore reincarnation and the continuity of the soul. Many Lives, Many Masters has become a classic in the fields of spirituality and alternative healing, inspiring readers to consider the transformative power of love, forgiveness, and the interconnectedness of all souls across lifetimes. Dr. Weiss’s work continues to offer hope and insight, bridging the gap between science and spirituality.

Click here for link to Dr. Brian Weiss as we expand disclosure around the world.

Kryon is a channeled entity widely known for delivering profound messages about human spirituality, the evolution of consciousness, and the shift in planetary energy. Often channeled by Lee Carroll, Kryon is described as a loving, magnetic entity that offers guidance to help humanity navigate the challenges of a rapidly transforming world. Kryon’s teachings focus on themes like self-empowerment, the multidimensional nature of existence, and the importance of aligning with the planet’s ascension energy. Central to Kryon’s message is the idea that humans are co-creators of their reality and have the ability to tap into a higher consciousness for healing, understanding, and transformation. The messages are deeply spiritual yet practical, resonating with individuals seeking a deeper connection to their divine purpose and the unfolding new age of awareness.

click here for a link to kryon / lee carroll as we expand disclosure around the world.

UFO News

uFO history blog

The most startling case of ongoing extraterrestrial contact to be studied in modern history, began on Tuesday, January 28th, 1975 in Hinwil, Switzerland when a rural farmer named Eduard “Billy” Meier got a telepathic message to grab his camera and ride his Moped to a remote location where he heard a low, throbbing, humming sound and then watched as a UFO landed near him. A female ET named Semjase exited the craft and initiated many contacts with Billy to help humanity understand that we are not alone in the galaxy. She stated that her species came from the Pleiades, 440-light years away using beam-ship technology, which takes about seven hours of Ship Internal Time to reach us. Over the course of the next three years, Billy was summoned a total of 105 times, at all hours of the day and night, multiple times a month and produced hundreds of photos of six different types of disc-shaped UFOs, 8mm movie footage of the crafts, sound recordings of the UFOs in flight, metal samples that were reported from the skin of the UFOs, landing tracks, and over a dozen witnesses, some having filmed the events themselves and thousands of pages of notes. Semjase stated that their species is about 3,000 years ahead of us in technology and that they had help from a more advanced species. She stated that if humans could work together in peace, we could match their advancements in just a few hundred years. Let’s get to work as we explore more intel from the Pleiadians out here on the RIM.

Read about this amazing event in the 45th Anniversary Edition of UFO…Contact from the Pleiades From Brit Elders, Lee Elders and Thom Welch available on Amazon.

Apollo 11 Moon Landing – When American astronauts made their giant pubic leap onto the surface of the moon on July 20th, 1969, they allegedly were not alone. Although the incident has been repeatedly denied, believers point to a transmission from the lunar surface that was censored by NASA but was reportedly picked up by private ham-radio operators: quoting here, “These babies are huge, sir  Enormous!… You wouldn’t believe it. I’m telling you there are other spacecraft out there, lined up on the far side of the crater edge. They’re on the moon watching us!”

In an interview with the Israeli news source (Yediot Aharonot) Y-Net-News.com, Haim Eshad, who worked as the Chief of Israeli Space Security for nearly 30 years says that extraterrestrials exist and choose to remain hidden because humanity isn’t ready to know about them yet. He says there’s an agreement between the US government and the aliens to do experiments in exchange for technology, that we already have a base under the surface of Mars with American astronauts and that President Trump was on the verge of revealing the existence of those aliens, but was asked by the Galactic Federation to wait until humanity was ready. Are you ready, yet?

Follow this link to watch the NBC TV News Article on YouTube.

Bob Lazar is a controversial figure in the UFO community, known for his claims of working on reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology at a secret site called “S-4” near Area 51 in Nevada. In 1989, Lazar came forward in a series of interviews, stating that he had been part of a covert government project tasked with studying advanced propulsion systems supposedly built by alien civilizations. According to Lazar, the spacecrafts he encountered were powered by a mysterious element he called “Element 115,” which he claimed could manipulate gravity. Although Lazar’s story has never been fully corroborated, it remains one of the most enduring and discussed narratives in the UFO phenomenon. Element 115 is now called Moscovium after being officially discovered by Russian and American scientists in 2003.

Click here to catch Lazar’s interview on a Joe Rogan podcast

Click here to watch a documentary about Bob Lazar Titled “Area 51” on Amazon Prime.

Phoenix Lights – On March 13th, 1997, Hundreds of witnesses throughout Phoenix, Arizona, and the surrounding area observed what was to become the most controversial UFO sighting in decades. For at least two hours, Arizona residents watched an array of lights move across the sky, as low as 150 feet off the ground and many reportedly saw a dark, triangular object with those lights moving over the area from Henderson, Nevada, through Arizona and over Phoenix and Tucson. The lights, which varied in color, were even caught on video and made headline news around the world.

Click here to Find out more on the so called “Phoenix Lights” at Doctor Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project Intelligence Archive as we expand disclosure around the world.

President Jimmy Carter stated publicly before he was Governor of Georgia that he, along with over six other people, saw a UFO in the sky over Leary, Georgia in 1969, while he was out campaigning. That inspired him to press for info about UFOs while he was president. Allegedly, President Carter cried after his UFO briefing from the CIA when He was told that the major religions including Christianity were programs created by extraterrestrials to prevent us from destroying ourselves while they ran their experiments on us – and that they made us and continue to modify us. At that moment it became clear to Carter that such information could cause tremendous economic and social upheaval and he became overwhelmed with emotion.

Click here to Find out more about president Carter’s UFO sighting at Doctor Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project Intelligence Archive as we expand disclosure around the world.

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